Keep playing and turn the stove off! Enjoy these 5 summer platters filled with nourishing bites for a cool and easy summer lunch or dinner!

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Summer fun and summer FOOD!
I feel like we have hardly been home this summer! This is my first summer without a napper in the house in a DECADE! What?! You know what that means? It means that instead of hanging out at the beach for the morning, then scurrying home with tired crabby kids that need lunch and a nap, I have kids that can seriously hang, spending all day at the beach, park, splash pad, zoo…you name it! THAT my friends is a game changer – and so stinkin’ much fun! But it also means I need to have some meals up my sleeve that are fast to prepare, and summer friendly (read – no cook because it really does get hot in Michigan – promise!).
3 birds, 1 stone!
We started making summer lunch platters a couple summers ago, and these quick meals really hit both of those needs. They are both summer friendly/no-cook, as well as fast to prepare! And a bonus third point…they are so FUN! I know at least for my kids, having a presentation change up from the same lunchboxes all year, as well as some new summer foods, make coming to the lunch table even more enjoyable.
So what is a summer lunch platter?
If you want get super fancy, this is basically like eating charcuterie board style! A bit on a smaller scale and, at least in my case, with less fancy/expensive food because we like to make these at least twice a week. Grab a big plate or even just your big wooden cutting board, and load it up with small bites that everyone can share. Community eating always goes over well with little ones, so don’t shy away from trying this with your toddlers. Eating should always be a fun experience, and they will love this. Fill the plate up with a variety of macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, healthy fat), in ratios that your family enjoys eating.
What do I do if my kid will only pick one thing off the plate?
- Be pro-active. If you have never served a platter meal before, start with some ground rules before the eating even begins. If you have toddlers through age 5, be very specific. For example, let them know that they need to take at least 2 pieces of protein, 1 piece of green veggie, 1 piece of other color veggie, 1 fruit, and that fat has to be somewhere on their plate whether that be as a dip or somewhere else (This was an example only! Use whatever ratios work for your family!) The choosing is still up to them, but you are helping them learn the importance of variety and portioning. As your children get older, you should be able to be a bit more general – they need to have veggie, fruit, fat, protein, for example. My girls have been eating this way for years, and I rarely need to say anything anymore. They will actually check their plates for variety like they are on auto pilot without my cue! I will even hear them remind each other to make sure they take a green veg and another color. They are doing my mom job quite nicely! Ha!
- Put the ball in their court. If the children do not cooperate with creating a healthy variety on their plate, then in my house, they haven’t shown that they are independent to enjoy a fun lunch like this, and mom will have to go back to making their own plate for them. YES, I have had to have this conversation with my toddlers! You’re in charge, dear momma! Once they have demonstrated independence with following the instructions, then they are free to create their own plate! There is still a ton of wiggle room within setting those parameters of having all of the macro-nutrients on their plates. My girls’ plates always look vastly different from each other! I have one that is always packed with all the protein – but she still gets her veggies and fruit in. I have one that loads up the veggies and I still have to remind her about getting a bite of protein on her plate every once and a while. Every child has different needs, and you can help them learn the importance of the macro-nutrient variety while listening to their body’s needs for more of a certain food.
The possibilities are endless
They truly are, and while I’m planning on showcasing 5 platter meal examples in this post, within each platter there are so many different ways that you can change things up. Use whatever veggies and fruit are in season or on sale near you for that week, and rotate your protein and fat sources! Not only does that keep the routine from getting boring, more importantly, you are changing up the nutrients that your family is getting for more variety.
On to the platter ideas!
Again, these are only to spur your inspiration. Pull from each platter what YOUR family loves and make your own! These are examples from actual lunch platters the girls have enjoyed throughout this summer so far!
Platter #1 :: Scoop City!
Kids love to scoop and dip, and the scooping and dipping options are endless here! Use lettuce leaves, crackers, bell pepper “boats”, carrot sticks to scoop and dip. The dipping is where the meal magic is – you can really load up the brain building fat, and sustaining proteins here. Top to bottom this platter is:
- Watermelon
- Lettuce leaves
- Cherry tomatoes
- Baby bell peppers
- Wild Caught Tuna Salad (We use THIS wild caught tuna)
- Carrot sticks
- Cucumbers
- Pistachios
- Pesto
- Mary’s Gone Crackers GF crackers
- Simple Mills Almond Crackers
Platter #2 :: Real Food “Lunchable!”
Think crackers, cheese, and meat where you can make little cracker sandwiches! Kids are always all over these kind of meals. (I am too!) Top to bottom, this platter is ::
- Pineapple
- Mary’s Gone Crackers GF crackers
- Bubbies Fermented Pickles (You can make your own fermented pickles too!)
- Grassfed Kielbasa (we get this from Costco)
- Goat Cheese (this soft, spreadable kind is nice for making sandwiches and for veggie dipping!)
- Celery
- Mixed nuts
- Olives (we get these at Costco)
- Carrots
- Radishes
- Broccoli
- Mushrooms
Platter #3 :: Stuff Your Own Pita Platter!
Spread the inside with some hummus, and then stuff with with a pretty rainbow of veggies and salty cheese! Top to bottom this platter is ::
- Grapes
- GF Pita Bread (We get the Sami’s Bakery GF Pitas at our local health food store)
- Hummus (I absolutely have a quality store bought here, but you can certainly make your own hummus! I get the Lilly’s Hummus which is made with olive oil versus soy/corn/canola/sunflower oils, in the big tubs at our health food store.)
- Rainbow carrots
- Baby bell peppers
- Lettuce leaves
- Cheese (Pictured is the Kerrygold Dubliner from Costco)
- Cucumbers
- Tomato slices
- “Ants on a log” (Celery sticks with any nut or seed butter, and topped with raisins)
Platter #4 :: Lunchtime Fiesta!
Mexican flavors are always a hit with kids! In this platter I made Instant Pot Refried Beans – basically my refried bean recipe made in the IP versus the stove. You could use leftover taco meat too. And while the chips are fun too, give those cabbage leaves a try as a “soft taco shell” for the beans, guac, and salsa – it is so good! Top to bottom this platter is ::
- Apples
- Tortilla chips (we get these organic from Costco)
- Refried beans (this recipe makes a lot and it freezes great for an easy pull out lunch!)
- Cabbage leaves
- Salsa (I get organic salsa from our grocery store)
- Carrot sticks
- Bell pepper “boats” (these also work great as a vehicle for the beans and guac!)
- Guacamole (You could buy a quality store bought version too!)
Platter #5 :: A European Vacation!
That’s right, my friends. Momma’s pretending like we are blissfully sitting in an Italian Cafe dipping bread in gorgeous European olive dipping oils… Ahem…back to reality! This is truly one of the girls’ favorite platter concepts and every drop of that oil is gone by the end of lunch – talk about a brain boost! Top to bottom, this platter is ::
- Cherries (truly just do whatever fruit is in season – it happens to be cherry season right now!)
- Tomato slices with sea salt and pepper
- Grassfed Kielbasa (we get this from Costco)
- Goat Cheese
- Almonds
- Walnuts
- Baby bell peppers
- Cucumbers
- Carrot sticks
- Olive oil dipping oil (see the recipe below!)
- Strips of pita bread for oil dipping (You could use whatever bread or crackers your family enjoys!)
- Broccoli
- Applegate pepperoni (I get this from our local health food store)
Seasoned Olive Oil for Bread Dipping
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- 1-2 tsp Italian Dressing Seasoning from my Italian Dressing Season Mix
- Sea Salt to taste – we like a good extra 1/4 or so tsp of sea salt!
- Whisk everything in a shallow bowl good for dipping bread!
Platters are THE BEST!! I love them for so many reasons: variety, helps clear out the fridge/pantry, gives them all what they want. Love your ideas here!